Children & Youth
Sunday Club – We begin our Sunday morning service at 10.30am gathered together and after 15-20 minutes the children and young people go to their age specific groups. Sometimes the service is an ‘All Together’ service, and is appropriate for all ages. There are children’s groups running in the Annex and the Cabin. They learn about God in appropriate ways for their age with fun, exciting and challenging activities. They are currently using the Urban Saints resources. These groups are:

Bubbles is for children aged 2 up until school year 1 and meets Sunday during the morning service. They praise God, learn about Him and have fun together.

Explore is for children in school years 2 to 4 and meets Sunday mornings during the morning service. They learn about God in appropriate ways for their age with fun, exciting and challenging activities. We hope and pray they will come to know God for themselves and grow in faith. Occasionally they are involved in the morning service.

Thirst is for young people in school years 5 to 8 and meets Sunday mornings during the morning service. Through reading the bible and discussions we try to encourage the young people to go deeper in their faith by thinking about how they live their lives and what relevance their faith has in their lives. Thirst also meets for social events at varied times and places throughout the year. Youth Leaders will pass on more details when they are happening.
Little Fishes
Little Fishes Parent & Toddler Group
Monday Mornings 10 - 11.30am
6+ months - £2 per child under 6 months are free
Friendly & welcoming, with a wide variety of toys, fun activities, drink & snacks for children and refreshments for adults.

Local Schools
Good relationships have been developed with local schools, which have resulted in us performing “Open the Book”. Using Bible Society material, we perform Bible stories at the local primary school once a week, with additional performances there and other schools at Christmas and Easter. Schools are invited into the church for various events and topic work.

The Alternative 2024
Last year, we were delighted to welcome 50+ children from the local area who had a great time at our 'Alternative' event.
We provide an alternative to Halloween, and fill the church with inflatables, games and activities, and provide hot food and drinks. The evening is split into two sessions depending upon age: 10 and under, and 11 and older.
Youth Group on Sunday evening - X-Stream - as well as Urban Saints Energised, this group has also completed a Youth Alpha course, Youth Prayer Course and Storylines on Zoom during lockdown. They have attended Soul Survivor in the summer, and some Saturday Soul Survivor meetings at Watford, as well as local worship evenings. They hold various fun events, such as bowling, AirHop, Nandos, climbing, aqua park, ice skating, and the much-loved London Christmas lights trip. Links with youth groups in local churches are being developed to hold joint praise and social events.
Update TBA