Outreach into the Community
Mission Partners
For more information about any of our Mission Partners, contact our church office on: office@stlukesreigate.org.uk 01737 243846.

Food Partnership with Co-op
We usually collect food 6 nights a week from all three Co-op stores (Woodhatch, Trehaven & South Park). This is food which is reaching its best before date and would otherwise become food waste without this partnership. From those collections we deliver to Woodhatch community Fridge, the Wayside (home for homeless young women) and others to provide food to those identified as in need.

Open The Book
We are looking for new people to join our Open the Book team at Sandcross School. Every Tuesday morning, during term time, a group of us narrate and act out a story from the Bible. We’re not looking for seasoned actors just people who are willing and enthusiastic.
Speak to Briony Bowen or Penny Scott to find out more. penny@stlukesreigate.org.uk

Street Pastors
We have Street Pastors from St Luke's and they go out on the Streets of Reigate. Street Pastors are a calming presence on the streets late at night when things can feel uncertain and people can become agitated.
Street Pastors care, listen and help and we are delighted to be part of this important mission work. Gina is a Street Pastor Trustee and would be delighted to give you more information.

Veggie plot
Within the church grounds is a vegetable garden, maintained by church members, and supplying local needs.
If you feel this is something you would like to be involved with, do get in touch. Many hands make light work!

Paul & Alison Guinness
Paul and Alison are based in Burundi as missionaries working to train and support native church leaders. We support them with prayer and financially. When they are home in the UK, they often come and join us for worship and update us on their work.

Loveworks Foodbank
St Luke’s are collecting food items for Loveworks. Items can be donated and put in the red box, situated beside the coat stand in the foyer, opposite the St Peter’s Room. To find out which foods they are particularly in need of, click on the following link where you will find the list of items needed: https://www.loveworks.org.uk/food-banks

We are a Fairtrade Church.
"Thank you very much for committing your place of worship to Fairtrade. Congratulations on your hard work in promoting Fairtrade in your community. Such enthusiasm from all over the UK means thousands of churches, mosques, temples and synagogues have now pledged to use and promote Fairtrade.
Kind regards,
Fairtrade Communities Campaigns Team

International Needs
International Needs is a worldwide Christian mission and development agency, a partnership that operates in over forty developing countries around the globe.
At Harvest, each year, we give from our plenty to one of their projects. International Needs is a local Christian mission based in Caterham and you can visit their website on www.ineeds.org.uk

Winter Night Shelter
The Winter Night Shelter has historically run from December to March but the Covid-19 pandemic meant it’s been suspended. We continue to provide day-time shelter for homeless and housed guests at our Drop-In giving them a warm, safe space to socialise and have a hot meal in our Warm spaces on certain Wednesdays.
Pearl is our Winter Night Shelter Coordinator and would be delighted to give you more information. Contact us

SparkFish is a local, collaborative, Christian organisation that aims to inspire and encourage young people in faith, hope and love.
SparkFish works in primary and secondary schools in Redhill, Reigate and Merstham and is supported financially and prayerfully by local churches and individuals.
Find out more: