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Sunday Services and Live Streaming

We live stream our Sunday morning services, available on our Youtube channel

Coming up…

On Sunday’s from January to the end of April we’ll be in our “Encounters with Jesus” series where we get to explore different characters who met Jesus in John’s gospel, and how that encounter changed them. Our Explore and Thirst youth groups will also be following this series.

Catch up with past sermons here

As Christians, we are called to be loving, caring, sensitive and kind to others and we will continue to be considerate to all, as we move forward with socialising at this time.

When you are in the church building:

  • Please continue to sanitise or wash your hands upon arrival at the church.

  • It is your choice whether you wear a face-mask or not.

Prayer ministry will be offered after the service.

We hope you will join us for refreshments of tea, coffee and squash after the service which gives a chance to chat and get to know other church members.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us about any of the above,

email if you have any questions.

Donations can be made online here

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